Askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf
Askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf


The preparation of leucocyte-depleted blood components should be subject to a quality monitoring programme designed to assure 100% compliance. To achieve residual leucocyte counts of < 5 × 106, leucocyte-depletion should be carried out under controlled conditions, ideally within 48 h from the collection of the donor unit.

askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf

Leucocyte-depleted blood components must contain < 5 × 106 leucocytes per unit (red cells) or adult therapeutic dose (platelets). Platelet components prepared with PCT offer the potential to further improve the safety of platelet transfusion using technology compatible with current methods to prepare buffy coat platelet components. Clinical hemostasis, hemorrhagic adverse events, and overall adverse events were not different between the treatment groups. Platelet transfusion dose, pretransfusion storage duration, and patient size were significant covariates (P <.001) for posttransfusion platelet counts. By longitudinal regression analysis for all transfusions, equal doses of test and reference components did not differ significantly with respect to the 1-hour (95% confidence interval, -3.1 to 6.1 x 10(9)/L, P =.53) and 24-hour (95% CI, -1.3 to 6.5 x 10(9)/L, P =.19) posttransfusion platelet count. The mean 1-hour corrected count increment for up to the first 8 test and reference transfusions was not statistically significantly different between treatment groups (13,100 +/- 5400 vs 14,900 +/- 6200, P =.11). More than 50% of the PCT platelet components were stored for 4 to 5 days prior to transfusion. A total of 103 patients received one or more transfusions of either PCT test (311 transfusions) or conventional reference (256 transfusions) pooled, leukoreduced platelet components stored for up to 5 days before transfusion.

askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf


We conducted a controlled, randomized, double-blinded trial in thrombocytopenic patients requiring repeated platelet transfusions for up to 56 days of support to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of platelet components prepared with the buffy coat method using this pathogen inactivation process. BCPC can be used effectively in the majority of thrombocytopenic patients in resource poor setting.Ī nucleic acid-targeted photochemical treatment (PCT) using amotosalen HCl (S-59) and ultraviolet A (UVA) light was developed to inactivate viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and leukocytes in platelet components. BC-PC were found to be adhering lesser to QC parameters for swirling, volume and pH, but found to be in required QC limits. There was comparable adherence to QC requirement for platelet count and WBC contamination in two methods. Apheresis-PC units showed better swirling than BC-PC units (Chi square test P Apheresis-PC showed better adherence to the physiological pH values (Student’s unpaired t test P Apheresis-PC did not show significant difference in proportion of units satisfying the Platelet count per unit and residual WBC count per count (Chi square P 0.203 and 0.617 respectively).

askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf

Data was analyzed using appropriate statistical technique under the guidance of biostatistician. We assessed a total of 200 BC-PC and 200 Apheresis-PC for their in vitro quality by observing swirling, volume of PC, platelet count/unit, WBC count/unit and pH, to see if they satisfy the recommended quality criteria. Tertiary Care Hospital and Medical College.


Our objective was to collect data by analysis of platelet concentrates prepared by BC-PC methods and Apheresis-PC methods in respect of swirling, volume, platelet count, WBC count and pH of the PC units and elaborate on the quality parameters. We conducted this study with the aim to compare the quality of platelet concentrates (PC) prepared by Buffy Coat derived (BC-PC) and apheresis derived platelet concentrate (Apheresis-PC). Many blood centres in country don’t have costly apheresis technology and rely heavily on the platelet production from whole blood donation.

Askep lengkap bronchopneumonia pada anak pdf